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شركة Cherry Blossom Natural Skincare Co. هي شركة لبنانية متخصصة في تصنيع منتجات العناية بالبشرة الطبيعية. تم صياغة هذه المنتجات من قبل متخصصين ذوي خبرة في مجال الجمال الطبيعي. يتعاون فريق البحث والتطوير (R&D) لدينا مع أشهر شركات المواد الخام الأوروبية لضمان حصول عملائنا على منتجات آمنة وعالية الجودة.

منتجاتنا خالية من المواد الكيميائية الخطرة أو السامة على حياة الإنسان ولا يتم اختبارها على الحيوانات ، حيث يتعارض ذلك مع الأخلاق البشرية.

نتابع أحدث الدراسات العالمية لمنتجات العناية بالبشرة لنوفر لعملائنا أفضل الحلول الحديثة لتحسين صحة بشرتهم وجمالها.

منتجاتنا مميزة عن غيرها من منتجات العناية بالبشرة الموجودة في السوق ومصممة خصيصًا لمتطلبات عملائنا.

نحن نراقب ونراجع كل خطوة ، بدءًا من اختيار المواد الخام المناسبة حتى تصل المنتجات إلى أيدي العملاء بأمان. نحن نولي اهتمامًا بأدق التفاصيل والتعليقات التي نتلقاها من عملائنا ونتصرف وفقًا لذلك.

نجري اختبارات ميكروبية وثباتية على منتجاتنا لضمان استيفاء جميع المعايير المطلوبة.

Meet the Team

General Ali Zakaria | General Manager of Cherry Blossom Natural Skincare Co.
Retired General — Lebanese Army
Being in charge of designing strategies and setting goals for growth, along with controlling the budgets and optimizing expenses; General Zakaria uses all his leverage and puts all his efforts and experience for producing products and setting plans that would satisfy the end users. Additionally, he aims to raise work efficiency, departmental revenues and ensure that Cherry Blossom’s employees are motivated and productive.

Mohammad El-Ratel | Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Co-Founder
of Cherry Blossom Natural Skincare Co.
Holder of Master’s Degree in Business Administration from JUT, Lebanon
In charge of communicating, on behalf of the company. He leads the development of the company’s strategies with an experience of overseas and international markets. Gaining a lot of international experience in different industries, Mohammad El-Ratel steers Cherry Blossom to the success in getting new international partners around the world.

Engr. Alaa Zakaria | Head of Chemical Department & Co-Founder of Cherry Blossom Natural Skincare.
Holder of Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Balamand, Lebanon.
The main objective of this department is formulating natural skincare products that meet customers’ desires and needs, while adhering to Cherry Blossom’s ethics and high standards. We test raw materials prior to using them in production, then manage the production of Cherry Blossom’s products, and finally test the finished products before introducing them to the market.

Dr. Graziella Zakaria | Head of Quality Control Department & Co-Founder of Cherry Blossom
Medical Doctor | Pediatrician Graduated from Beirut Arab University, Lebanon
This department sets Cherry Blossom’s production standards, which are among the highest standards in the world, and ensures that they are followed at every stage of the manufacturing process. Dr. Graziella studies each product deeply to ensure that it will give max benefit to the targeted skin type, in addition to being hypoallergenic.

Nayla Al-Kadi | Head of Research & Development Department
Holder of Master’s Degree in Chemistry from the Lebanese University
Here is the core of Cherry Blossom, where research is done in continuous state for building a huge data base, which allows us to develop our pre-existing products and formulate new ones in cooperation with the other teams. One of the things done is studying each raw material solely (identifying what types of skin it is suitable for, its comedogenic rate, etc.).

Our History

2017 - 2019

We started our small business by trading with the luxury  and the famous worldwide cosmetics brands inside and outside Lebanon.
Everything was going smooth and fine till the Lebanese economical crisis started at 2019. The COVID-19 crisis played its role too by stopping the business of running for more than 3 months. The importing of products was stopped with 100%.

2019 - 2020

With the demand in the market of the cosmetic brands and the hygienic products due to COVID-19 we started thinking  about some local products.
We made our intensive researches to get our 1st two products, proudly we launched the face skincare handmade soaps and the hand sanitizer gel.
We were following up carefully the clients feedback to know what we should develop and upgrade our products to meet the customers needs.

2020 - 2021

We unleashed the beast to our creativity and development, the sparkle is now a strong light with developing more than 40 products.


We are now specialized with the Advanced Skin, Hair & Body care products for collection of high-end quality goods that can meet the highest market standards.

"For the reliability with our precious customers, which we put as a priority, and for their safety and protection, we save a sample of each batch and store it at the recommended conditions stated on the product’s label."

Cherry Blossom Natural Skincare Vision